Friday, June 4, 2010

Iran is the True Winner of the Turkish-Israel Break.

Can it be that Erdogan, the savviest of savvy politicians, and Israel, the country of Nobel-prizes are being manipulated by Iran?

Certainly, there is a clear trend.

1. Turkey has distanced itself from Israel since Davos, defending Hamas, an Iranian proxy. Strengthening Iran's proxy while weakening Turkey and Israel by beginning to separate them.

2. Turkey attempted to "broker" a nuclear deal, that had no chance of being successful, distancing Turkey from America, while allowing the Iranians to again delay. Weakening Turkeys, prestige and political connections with America, Israel, and many in the West. Also further separating Israel from Turkey.

3. Turkey helps launch an anti-Israel flotilla. The results Israel and Turkey are weaker without each other, for all the reasons both sides refuse to acknowledge (militarily, economics, political, etc). Remember the Arab street may like Turkey now but, the Arab government are clear about who they do not want to have nuclear weapons.

Not to say that Iran created the seeds of this conflcit, but rather that it is watering the seeds of enmity with great alacrity.

So I ask again is Iran's influence lurking in the background? Is Iran the answer to all the conflict between the Turkish and Israeli narratives? Coincidence or planned, Iran is the true winner of the Turkish-Israeli break?

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