Thursday, May 6, 2010

Free Choice vs. Providence: Can/How Do they Coexist? (II)

Disclaimer: The following is a highly incoherent series of ideas drawn from a number of times and places. It is NOT an easy read.

The “Irrational Perspective” sees the finite/rational human attempt to comprehend the infinite/irrational nature of providence, and how choice fits into this larger “scheme”, akin to one attempting to draw a picture of an undiscovered galaxy, it is mere speculation.

Example A.
A higher force controls EVERYTHING i.e. providence and knows what the human will choose, and at the same time we do have choice! It is simply a wonder of existence, it is incomprehensible it is irrational. Thus Hitler had a choice of whether or not to kill over 6 million Jews but the higher force was already aware of the ultimate result, yet the final solution could have come about if it was chosen. Providence and choice, together. How? It’s a wonder!

Example B.
Another way of understanding this is the Jewish and Sufi notion of a holy man who can see the future. What is behind this assertion, how can one see know the future before it occurs, unless they can exist both in the future and the present? Indeed this is the Jewish conception of the Holy/Righteous person (tzaddik). What makes a person Holy is the subjugation and elevation of their body/animal to their soul the source of their existence (for more on what is meant here by “existence” please see post “Is Soul the Global Consciousness”). This source is not physical, it does not have mass or take up physical space nor is subject to concepts like time.

This last point is exactly what allows the tzaddik to see the future. Because the tzaddik is so close to this source they can consciously access this sources reality where the past present and future exist as one, and are not subject the rational notion of time. In essence the tzaddik can see the future because they have conscious access to a place where the future is indistinguishable from the present. It time is a place where time does not exist.

On the other hand, choice is a reflection of our need as rational beings to order our lives, through time. Choice is a result of time; the future requires us to make choices now, for later. For example, is it a good idea to invest three years and over 100,000 dollars towards legal education? This question is in itself a manifestation of time as it’s an attempt to predict the future, likewise time is a result of our need to rationalize, because we are human. Humans, unlike the rest of nature make choices based on the future (human>rational>time>choice).

I’m tempted to continue this line of reasoning but I’m already losing myself.

Providence is above time, there is no future thus choice and result -choice and providence- occur simultaneously. But they both occur. Is this a rational explanation? No, but then again the second view sees the answer as irrational, but that doesn’t mean the path to discovering the irrational need not be explored rationally.

Still according to the above view the answer exists in the irrational realm where time and space do not exist. Yet our choices are made here in the finite realm of time and space?! This question opens up a can of worms but here we go.

The potential explanation is understanding that every organism is made of two elements, the infinite clothed in finite.
1. Our mass, and that which we use to sustain that mass, food, money, time, etc. (external)
2. That which allows our mass to exist, and grow. The ex nihilo of creation, the source of material that made up the mass of the big bang. (internal)

A question can further help us understand the ramifications and relevance of this distinction .

Why is it that all live mass returns to dirt after it dies?
Because there are two forces in play the mass/physical, and the limits that come along with that. Then there is what gives that mass life and allows it be alive. When that unseen force leaves the mass the mass eventually returns to the anonymity.

The point is that just because we are unable to access this level of “no time” does not mean it doesn’t exist here within every one of us. Indeed we know of its existence from rational questions, that lead us to irrational explanations. Thus once again we are left with the plain wonder of the possibility of the coexistence of the two- not into binary realms but here and now, with you!

Then again the mere fact that the source of life is infinite yet it can take up residence in a finite body is yet another irrational wonder. It does not mean it is not the reality. Thus choice and providence can coexist.

Why is it impossible to comprehend? For the same reason we need to eat and sleep, human-physical-rational-reality that necessitates time, so obscures the we find it hard to even accept the possibility of the irrational.

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