Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oliver Even if the Jews Do Control America's Media, If You Had Your Chance...

Oliver thanks for retracting your outrageous comments, “that were anyway taken out of context”. Still your retraction intentionally didn't cover the main offense. You referenced an important issue that many an anti-Semite loves to declare: “the Jews control the media”. Here is some perspective, on your classic display of hate.

You imply that the Jews control the media because…because of what? Your point is that because Jews are disproportionally represented in the media, is in itself evidence that the Jews “control” the media, and that that control was ill gotten?!

This is an interesting strategy, observing a truth, the Jews are disproportionately represented in the media, and then blending a truth with a lie by implying that “disproportionate” equals “illicitly achieved control”, which is a baseless conspiracy. How wise, how subtle, how obvious. The Jew is adept at discerning the hater.

Here is an example. In the 1348-1351s Western Europe was devastated by the bubonic plague, “the black death”. Historians estimate that between one quarter to a half of Western Europe's population perished. The mobs, of course, looked for a scapegoat and discovered a truth: the Jews were less susceptible to the plague. They observed a truth and concluded that the Jews, being less affected, must be responsible for the plague. A rumor spread that the Jews were poisoning the wells, and mobs, egged on by the Stones' (secularists, trying to eliminate Jewish competition), Gibsons' (blood thirsty catholic clergy), and Thomases' (hate filled city officials) of their day, raged in every city, raping, pillaging and killing Jewish men, women, and children. After all, they argued, the truth was that less Jews were dying.

You see what the ignorant masses didn’t know was that Jews were in a constant state of ritual purity. This includes washing their hands before every meal and after every bowl movement. Married Jewish women are required to bathe every 30 days, and Jews in general are advised to bathe on the eve of the Jewish Sabbath. Indeed Jews washed constantly despite the medical view which claimed that people were born with natural oils that protected them from illness and that washing removed this natural protection. 400 years later Germ-theory vindicated the Jewish bible. But at the time, the haters were able to incite the masses against the Jews by conflating a truth –the Jews were less affected- with a lie –the Jews are poisoning the water supply.

Of course Oliver you recognize that American society, excluding your far-left and their Islamo-Facist allies (when Muslims are illicitly attacked, Jews are the first to defend them as they are for all minorities. Where is the Muslim voice?)is not so gullible. They will not start rioting against American-Jews, nor will they turn against Israel for irrational reasons. So you posit assertions based on the truth, while placing conspiratorial inventions next to those truths. You declare the Jews control the media, true, if you mean they are disproportionally represented. Then you add another truth, more Russians were killed then Jews in WWII, true. Then you go on to say Russia had it worse, but because the Jews control the media, Americans are made ignorant! Then you expand on the implications of Jewish control of the media: just as Americans are kept in the dark by Jews regarding the Russians so too are Americans hoodwinked by the Jewish controlled media which is why our “foreign policy is f###ed up for years”.

First off, don’t underestimate America's sense of history. Second, the Russians didn't lose 1/3 of their population. Third, why are Jews responsible for making sure people know about the suffering of our, then, enemies? Fourth, what makes you think that two truths -Jews are disproportionally represented in the media, and that more Russians perished during WW2- prove a lie “Jews have messed up American foreign policy by manipulating public and government opinion using their “control of the media”.

Oliver let us accept your toxic mixture of truths and lies: Jews' disproportionate representation equals "control" of Americas media. What has happened since the Jews controlled the media? Civil Rights, suppression of bigotry, the election of the most anti-Israel president since Carter, and unremitting criticism of the really evil man, no not Chavez or Ahmadinejad, but Bush!
On the other hand prior to Jewish “control of the media”, when people like you controlled the media: Jim Crow, slavery, unremitting biased criticism or outright lies, Vietnam etc. You want the media to support Stalin’s and Hitler’s legacy, or paint over Chavezs' suppression of freedoms, or Ahmadinjad's raping and murdering his way to election victory and supporting terrorism against our troops and our allies! Ah, then America will be free of Jewish control of the media!

The “Jewish” controlled media exposed a ring of Jewish organ traffickers, including Rabbis. But unlike what you would have liked, they didn't conclude from that that Jews are killing babies and stealing Palestinian organs. Instead the truth: organs that saved lives were being bought at really low prices and sold at exorbitant profits, while also avoiding the authorities. The “Jewish controlled media”, exposed Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, extraordinary rendition, domestic wire-tapping, the failures of Bush and less so Obama, supported Israel’s self-destruction with its expulsion of Israelis from Gaza, and with this article your subtly orchestrated bigotry.

The "Jewish media" refused to entertain unsubstantiated 9/11 conspiracy theories, just because there were serious abnormalities in the events leading up to 9/11. Your media, would have shifted a narrative based on readily apparent facts to a fictitious saga about the hidden hand of Jews and the CIA. As if Americans are so uneducated as not to recognize a classic anti-Semitic scapegoating when they see it. Yes, the “Jewish controlled Media” reported on government produced evidence leading up to the war in Iraq but Congress and America were firmly behind that war -not the Israeli lobby. Does this mean that Americas media is perfect, of course not, but that imperfection is not reflection of a Jewish conspiracy but human fallibility.

Then again, movie-director Stone, aren’t the Jews disproportionally represented in Hollywood, medicine, finance, law, politics, and Nobel prizes, does this mean that Jewish dominance reflects a white bearded blood sucking conspiracy OR is it akin to African-American dominance in sports.
The reason why Jews are disproportionally represented in Media, is because THEY ARE GOOD AT IT, not because of some conspiracy! Oliver I know you don't like it but in this country we put performance before race, ethnicity, AND religion!

Besides,Oliver, even if Jews do control America's media if you and your ilk had your chance, you would give us blood libels, communism, fascism, a loss of national pride, and irrational support for terrorism. Never (again) YOU ANTI-SEMITIC...!

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