Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Poetry With an Explanation: "Indoctrinated Youth"

I know what your thinking

but its not exactly what you predicted

Rush hour in Brooklyn

A cacophony of smells and noise

Now your pocket concerns you,

not your face.

We all move with great speed

A mixed heard of sheep, cattle, and some predators too

Our destinations vary our purpose is the same

Lo the R train is it coming will I have to wait?



The fluid solids waves of man, women, and

and whats this...

A Child?

He may have been 12 but he was lurching, sidestepping, and nudging all with the deftness of a seasoned commuter. I moving watched as he almost ran over a pleasantly plump woman and then dove elbows first into the train. Society's impact on a 12 year old, he, like many of our youth, has been indoctrinated.

He knows he must run but does he know why?

Is he the same when he visits small town Connecticut?

Does he realize that one acts like a Roman only when in Rome?

Is THIS what we have succeeded in imparting?

Indoctrinated youth, tell me what else have you learned?

An Evolutionary Perspective on Israel Bias in the UN and Endemic Anti-Semitism

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on the last day of its annual general conference, voted against a non-binding resolution urging Israel to accede to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).The paper -- which Washington had asked Arab countries not to table at all for fear it could jeopardize a conference on a nuclear weapons-free Middle East to be held in 2012 -- was rejected by the 151-member general assembly with 51 votes against it, 46 votes in favor and 23 abstentions. (

Why is this news?

Over the last 60 years every apparatus of the United Nations -from the General Assembly (UNGA) to the Human Rights Council (UNHRC, previously the UNCRH )- has served as instruments to channel the international community’s anti-Israel fervor. One egregious example of this long standing trend had the 2010 session of the UNHRC (as of March 25) passing 5 resolutions condemning Israel -more than the total combined amount of resolutions it dedicated to all other countries in the world — one each on Burma, North Korea and Guinea. No mention of Darfur, Tibet, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Russia, Congo, Libya etc.

Some attribute this blatant lopsidedness to the nature of the UN. Namely its various committees, especially the human rights council, are controlled and/or heavily influenced by political blocks. The block with the most votes is that of non-aligned states i.e. most non-Western states. This means, for example, that France may verbally condemn Iranian violations but because it does not want Iran and its allies to vote against Frances interests in the future France abstains from voting for a resolution condemning Iran. Furthermore, because non-aligned states outnumber western states, they can vote any member-state into any commission. For example, Libya, a gross violator of human rights was elected to the UNHRC. But Israel, with its few allies is one state that the world can agree to condemn without fearing any vote related backlash. Indeed condemning Israel is often used to justify the existence of an otherwise inept UN. After all the UN is fighting injustice, just not ALL injustice.

Still others contend that the reason that Israel is so predictably and consistently targeted is because Israel deserves it. In other words, the fact that HAMAS cannot rearm openly, because of Israel’s embargo, and Israel’s often overwhelming defense of its population trumps the wide-spread government sponsored suppression, rape, and murder of UNHRC members like Libya and Iran.

I agree, politics is one factor that contributes to the UN’s track record but there is another.

Yes you guessed correctly, my input relates to anti-Semitism but only so far as anti-Semitism is a label for what evolutionary theory calls natural selection and what others conflate with "survival of the fittest”.

Briefly, natural selection is “the ability of an organism to survive, adapt, and proliferate in its environment” this success is attributed to genetic traits. On the other hand the “survival of the fittest” implies superior fitness/external traits. This difference is key to understanding Hitler’s conception of the uber race, anti-Semitism, and is at the root of the UN’s obsession with condemning Jews/Israel.

Hitler argued that the physical traits of the Aryan, blond hair and such, were evidence of their genetic superiority, whereas Jewish noses, somehow proved genetic inferiority . But Hitler confused the cause and the effect. It is internal genetic traits that enable organisms to thrive -ones hair color and height are the effect of genetic traits not their cause. Thus such external traits cannot serve as evidence of genetic tenacity.

OK, so Hitler confused cause an affect, whats the point?

First a question:

Why did Hitler reach for a genetic reason to condemn Jews, why didn't he focus only on the usual stereotypes?

Because many anti-Semites throughout history made the claim that Jews were inferior. At first it was Jews did not assimilate into the Roman empire. Then Jews refused to convert to Christianity. Then the Jews killed the Jew Jesus. Then the hate was justified by Jewish disloyalty to their host state, and/or the Jewish control of world banks etc...

Hitler assumed that all these Jewish "sins" must reflect a deeper inferiority of the Jew, he proved this by pointing out the Jewish nose and hair color. The irony is that Hitler's reasoning was just as flawed as his predecessors. For he used perceived external traits as evidence of internal flaws. His forbearer's pointed to Jewish stubbornness, Hitler pointed to Jewish physical characteristics

This illogical trend raises an obvious question: why do anti-Semites continually condemn Jews based on external factors like noses and conspiracies to control banks? Can one really make a claim about the innate properties of a people based on external sins? Indeed, can UN nations really sit in judgement of Israel's excessive self-defense while many of its own members rape and murder by the thousands!?

It would seem then that the proclaimed/conscious flawed reasoning of the anti-Semite reflect "survival of the fittest" principles, whereas their true sub-conscious motivations reflect natural selection

Hitler, the anti-Semite, and the UN are all motivated by a similar concern. Namely the unwillingness to accept that their hate is not based on objective external factors like noses, religion, or propensity for economic malfeasance ("survival of the fittest"). Rather it stems from a deeply rooted evolutionary fear that the Jews success, despite everything, is evidence of natural selection working in favor of the Jews.

The UN has simply institutionalized, on a global scale, the irrational fears of the simple anti-Semite.

At first Israel teetered on the edge of a social, political, and existential abyss, but now it has emerged as a small world power. The nations of the world are worried once again. The UN's collective subconscious is crying “evolution is at work the Jews are supplanting us”. The conscious manifestation of this is the inexplicable and abysmal bias against Israel expressed in every corner of the UN and the reemergence of anti-Semitism in every corner of the world.

In short there is reason to believe that evolutionary principles are at the root of all this preponderance of hate by the anti-Semite and in the UN. Caused by overwhelming Jewish success that spans all known history that was, and is, perceived as an existential threat to the ascendency of the non-Jewish species. The manifest result of this perception is labeled "anti-Semitism". The perceived threat of the Jewish "species" was compounded by the failure of the various state-sponsored measures of forced conversion expulsion, and ghettos. Despite every effort the Jew not only survived but prospered. The anti-Semite interpreted this, subconsciously, as evidence of the Jewish evolutionary ascendancy and responded to it consciously by discounting Jewish success as nefarious and ill-gained, -anything to not have to face up to their own insecurities- and then persecuting the Jew.

It seems only natural that the UN manifests this carnal fear of Jewish superiority in its treatment of Israel. As Israel, like the Jew, continues to experience ever greater success despite global efforts of boycott, sanction, condemnation, terror, to force Israel into submission. Yes, the UN has taken on both the deep-seated motivations and misinterpreted manifestations of the anti-Semite. The UN justifies its hate-campaign by pointing to Israel’s wrongs, but the extent and bias of this pointing is at its root a subconscious motivation- the collective fear of Israeli success.

The tragedy is that anti-Semites and the UN continue to make Hitler’s mistake by assuming that external factors such as Jewish success, “survival of the fittest”, is valid evidence of natural selection choosing the Jew. Not only is this a inverted conception of natural selection (as described above), and thus in itself should not arouse the subconscious fear, it is also the Jewish perspective that if natural selection is correct it is in itself a tool of a higher power. It is not the final determinant of survival and success.

The world need not perceive Israel’s successes as a threat, just as the anti-Semite need not perceive the Jew as attempting his dissolution.

On the contrary:

As is evidenced by global Jewry in general and the Jewish-American experience in particular, Jews can and do contribute in every way to society.

Interestingly all the above may explain Americas pro-Israel track-record.

Why is America an exceptional example of Jewish contribution? Because America is a society that is secure in its own inherent worth and is not threatened by a subconscious psychosis that natural selection is favoring the Jew, to the detriment of the rest.

THAT is a major factor contributing to Americas general (though not unanimous) support of Israel in the UN, and Americas/Americans relatively stellar record on anti-Semitism.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This 9/11: Islam Needs ChaBaD!

Many Muslims, including a close friend, argue that Islam is not violent, suicidal, or expansionist. Yet people like me, see the reality. Homicide bombings, stoning, insult laden mosque building, and little self criticism. Which one is it?

Some of these said acquaintances have concluded that even if some Muslims are genuinely opposed to the hate and pain that their coreligionists cause it is because they are “reform” Muslims or they are afraid of discrimination and would otherwise be quick to support the hate.

I do not agree with this absolute bifurcation. Nor do I not subscribe to the following proposal out of naiveté or even unwarranted optimism –on the contrary as a lover of America and a proud Jew I cannot forgive, nor close my eyes to the unrepentant terror and hate that Islam-inspired extremism has directed against my nation and people. Rather I make the following assertions based on my personal experience with scrupulous orthodox-Muslims who proudly acknowledge that their religion has a violent past and even seeks to convert others, but who are also adamantly opposed to both Sunni motivated Saudi extremism and Shia instigated terror.

Furthermore these same Muslims concede that they -peace and Koran loving Muslims- are not doing enough to fight this real corruption within the ranks of their coreligionists or preventing the insidious/misguided acts by moderate Muslims (such as the ground zero mosque). Then again, they justly contend, they do not have the oil of Iran or Saudi Arabia to propagate their view.

It is to these Muslims that I address the following suggestion:

To be clear I offer this suggestion not as a patronizing snob but as a religious Jew who has seen with my own eyes how ChaBaD, an uncompromising cadre of orthodox Jews who focus on the Jewish believe in unqualified acts of goodness and kindness, has revolutionized and revitalized international Judaism. Not through trying to convince other orthodox streams of Judaism to mimic them but by reaching out to largely secular world Jewry with words of inspiration, lessons in fundamental Jewish practice like charity, "love thy neighbor", acts of goodness and kindness, and heartfelt prayer. This all the while accurately emphasizing that this is not a form of “Judaism-lite” but rather essential practice; a prerequisite to Torah/Rabbinic-true Judaism.

Does this mean that ChaBaD obscures that orthodox Judaism is opposed to same-sex marriage, abortion (under most circumstances), and the expulsion of Jews from parts of Israel? Does it mean that ChaBaD Jews are apolitical and do not have strong, even offensive, personal beliefs? No and no. What it means is that the focus of outreach and study is on the affirmative practice of fundamental Judaism to the best of the individual’s ability.

The upshot is that even the most hard-core ultra-orthodox Jews have recognized the validity of ChaBaD’s efforts and focus, and have themselves been reinvigorated and strengthened in the practice of Jewish principles like love thy neighbor (irrespective of religious practice or background) and general acts of goodness.

I believe that if orthodox Muslims (not easy to dismiss reform/apologist) began a movement that focused on spreading the positive FUNDAMENTALS of Islam to their secular Muslim brothers and sisters -not a watered down presentation offered by “Muslims at heart” but a Koran true message taught by practicing main stream orthodox Muslims that focused on charity, prayer, and belief in their creator- ChaBaD-like results could be achieved.

Likewise, as in the ChaBaD approach, the outreach should not target the hard headed extremists THAT DO GATHER in some mosques and educate the unwary youth regarding all those kaufers (infidels) and how the world is out to destroy Islam. Rather it should focus on secular Muslims; those that know their religion only as it is depicted by Al Jazeera, Memri, Drudgereport, or the New York Times –if at all.

True orthodox Muslims believe that they must proselyte non-Muslims and that defaming the prophet is wrong, but so do Christians. The point is that Muslims can be true to their religion and offer a purely positive message to those around them. The face of Islam need not be defined by incendiary community-center projects, flag burning, or threats against the expression of free speech. On the contrary devout Muslim-Americans who seek what Islam demands –peace- should grasp the opportunity, economic and political, that America offers.

Indeed if you, American-Muslims, gathered to fight extremism through education, the totality of America would put its powerful shoulder to the same wheel and support you to the benefit of all.